How to raise a concern?

Report potential compliance violations

At TUI we are committed to respecting the law and acting with integrity. The Integrity Passport, our TUI Code of Conduct, applies to everyone at TUI and provides guidance on how to deal with key integrity and legal issues.

Our supply chain includes thousands of suppliers in more than 90 countries. We expect our business partners and suppliers to support the principles set out in our TUI Supplier Code and promote them throughout the entire supply chain.

TUI is committed to investigate all potential compliance violations of our Integrity Passport, the TUI Supplier Code of Conduct, our internal policies and applicable laws, including human rights and environmental sustainability.

TUI Customer Service for support

We encourage anyone who has knowledge or suspicion of an actual or potential compliance violation, related to TUI or caused by a TUI supplier, to use our available channels to report concerns. Customer complaints and questions on TUI products cannot be processed through the whistleblower system or the listed reporting channels. Please contact the TUI Customer Service for support.

Whistleblowers will not suffer any adverse consequences if they report a possible violation in good faith.

All information on how to raise a concern can be found in the following overview. This is also available as a download on the right-hand side.

How to raise a concern?

2 Raising a concern

TUI is committed to address any potential compliance violation of our Integrity Passport, the Supplier Code of Conduct, our internal policies and applicable laws, including human rights and environmental sustainability. We promote a culture of open communication and trust. We encourage our employees, business partners and anyone who has knowledge or is potentially affected by potential risks or violations to speak up and raise their concerns.

The following describes how to raise a concern about an actual or potential compliance violation without fear of retaliation and how such reports are handled within TUI.

3 How to report a concern?

The channels described below are open to everyone who wishes to report a concern about an actual or a potential Compliance Violation caused by the economic activities of TUI in its own business area or by a supplier of TUI.

4 What is the TUI SpeakUp Line and how to use it?

TUI is committed to protect anyone who raises concerns. The TUI Speak Up Line, our whistle-blower hotline, is a confidential channel to anonymously report concerns to our Integrity & Compliance Team 365/24/7 via phone or internet. The reports are handled by the Integrity & Compliance Team itself or passed on to the respective responsible department. The system is provided and operated by Navex, an external provider.

5 How are SpeakUp reports handled within TUI?

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