Deliver science-based targets and implement emission reduction roadmaps for our airline, cruise and hotel operations that are in line with the Paris Agreement goals.
Emission reduction roadmaps pageTUI’s 2030 science-based targets for airline, cruises and hotels achieved validation from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in January 2023 – confirming they are in line with the latest climate science. We are one of the world’s first airlines with SBTi validated targets, the world’s first ocean cruise companies to reach this milestone and among the first leisure hotel companies. By 2030, we will reduce CO2e per rpk from TUI Airlines by 24%, absolute CO2e from cruises by 27.5% and TUI Hotels & Resorts by at least 46.2%, all compared to 2019 levels. Our commitment to making tourism more sustainable spans three decades and this latest development marks the next step in our sustainability transformation.
Through the “Planet” building block of our new Sustainability Agenda we are working to reduce the environmental footprint of holidays, with a headline goal to achieve net-zero emissions across our operations and supply chain by 2050 at the latest.
We want to take action now, which is why we have set near-term science-based targets for the three business areas that represent 99% of our emissions – airline, cruises and hotels. Our emission reduction targets were reviewed by the independent SBTi – a collaboration between the UN Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI), the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and CDP – to ensure that they comply with the latest findings of climate science. By collaborating with SBTi it ensures we are working to the global standard and provides accountability and guidance to make real reductions to limit global warming.
Detailed emission reduction roadmaps have been developed with an external partner. They include key levers to reduce emissions by 2030 and achieve net zero emissions in 2050, including: implementing the planned fleet renewal towards more carbon efficient aircraft, as well as using sustainable aviation fuels, generating more solar energy for hotels and piloting e-methanol for cruise ships. This builds on the leading progress we have made to date – we already operate some of the most efficient aircraft and cruise ships.
An overview of our science-based targets, achievements and key emission reduction levers:
TUI commits to reduce scope 1 and scope 3 well-to-wake emissions from jet fuel 24% per revenue passenger kilometre by FY2030 from a FY2019 base year. Metric ‘rpk’ means revenue passenger kilometre.
TUI commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and scope 3 well-to-wake emissions from marine cruise fuel 27.5% by FY2030 from a FY2019 base year.
TUI commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from hotels 46.2% by FY2030 from a FY2019 base year.
The target for our hotels is aligned to the 1.5°C level of ambition and the targets for airline and cruise are aligned to the well below 2°C level of ambition.
Scope 1 emissions encompass direct GHG emissions that result from sources that are owned or controlled by the reporting entity, for example the combustion of fuel in aircraft or cruise ships.
Scope 2 emissions encompass indirect GHG emissions that result from the generation of purchased energy used by the reporting entity, for example the purchase of electricity in hotels.
Scope 3 emissions encompass all other indirect GHG emissions along the entire value chain. For TUI’s Airline and Cruise targets, Scope 3 Category 3: ‘Fuel- and Energy-Related Activities Not Included in Scope 1 or Scope 2’ applies to ensure full well-to-wake emissions are reported.
*Reduce scope 1 and scope 3 well to wake emissions from jet fuel. Metric ‘rpk’ means revenue passenger kilometre. Baseline: FY2019. Level of ambition well below 2oC scenarios.
**Reduce scope 1 and scope 3 well to wake emissions from cruise marine fuel. Baseline: FY2019. Level of ambition well below 2oC scenarios.
***Reduce scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from TUI Hotels & Resorts. Baseline FY2019. Level of ambition 1.5oC scenarios.