Respecting Human Rights

The TUI Group is committed to respecting human rights and environmental obligations within its supply chain throughout global operations.

We consider the protection of human rights to be of fundamental importance. Since 2014, we have been a signatory to the 10 universally recognised principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of human rights, employment law, environmental protection and anti-corruption.

We comply with applicable laws, fulfil internationally recognised obligations in respect of human rights and the environment and ensure that human rights violations and environmental pollution are prevented in the course of our own business activities as well as those of our suppliers and business partners.

In particular, we condemn all forms of child and forced labour, all forms of slavery, all practices similar to slavery, and all forms of discrimination based on personal characteristics such as national or ethnic origin, social background, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, beliefs, political opinion, or disability. We believe that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity and are committed to continuoulsy improving diversity and inclusion across our business.

Our commitment to respecting human rights is reflected in our Human Rights Statement. You can download the separate document on the right. The TUI Group Human Rights Officer is Mr Thomas Ellerbeck.

Please note that TUI Deutschland GmbH and TUIfly GmbH have each issued separate and adjusted policy statements for legal reasons in connection with the German Supply Chain Act. These are also available for download on the right. Gleb Zabashta is the Human Rights Officer of TUI Deutschland GmbH, while Eva Schlottau holds this position at TUIfly GmbH.


Supplier Code of Conduct

Sets the standards of ethical conduct, values and principles we expect from suppliers. Available here.

Integrity Passport – The TUI Code of Conduct

Commits TUI employees to conduct business with integrity and encourages to report potential or actual violations through available channels that include a confidential whistle-blower system (TUI Speak Up Line).  Available here.

TUI Global Employment Statement

Applies both to our own employees and to our contractual partners. Its focus is the fair and respectful treatment of employees at all levels and compliance with applicable law and industry standards. Available here.

Complaints Procedure

TUI is committed to address any potential compliance violation of our Integrity Passport, the Supplier Code of Conduct, our internal policies and applicable laws, including human rights and environmental sustainability. To facilitate the process, TUI has implemented a complaints procedure through the TUI SpeakUp Line, our whistle-blower hotline (here).

Reporting Performance

We publish information related to our performance on human rights topics in our Modern Slavery Act Statements, the Report on the German Supply Chain Act and in our annual Non-Financial Declarations as well as our Group Annual reports (here).