At today's 62nd Annual General Meeting of TUI AG, which was held virtually, attendance including votes cast corresponded to 49.76 per cent of the share capital (previous year 72.06 per cent). The shareholders discharged the members of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board for the 2020 financial year. Dr Jutta Dönges was elected to the Supervisory Board for the first time with 87.38 per cent of the votes and Janina Kugel with 99.46 per cent of the votes. With the election of the two managers, the agreement reached with the Economic Stabilisation Fund (WSF) in the framework of the stabilisation measures was implemented. After the end of today's Annual General Meeting of TUI AG, the term of office of Supervisory Board members Peter Long (Deputy Chairman), Prof. Dr Edgar Ernst, Angelika Gifford and Alexey Mordashov ended as scheduled on the shareholder representatives' side. Prof. Dr Edgar Ernst and Alexey Mordashov were re-elected to the Supervisory Board as shareholder representatives. Peter Long resigned from the Supervisory Board with the regular expiry of his term of office, Angelika Gifford had already announced last year that she would reduce the number of her mandates and is also ending her activities on the TUI Supervisory Board. All other items on the agenda were approved by a large majority.
The Annual General Meeting closed at 3:55 pm CET. The detailed voting results for all agenda items of the AGM can be found at as of 26 March 2021.