Supervisory Board remuneration system

The rules governing the remuneration of Supervisory Board members are based on Article 18 of TUI AG's Articles of Association, which are publicly available on the company's website. In accordance with the provisions of the German Stock Corporation Act, the Annual General Meeting of listed companies must pass a resolution on the remuneration of Supervisory Board members at least every four years. At TUI AG, this was last done at the Annual General Meeting on 11 February 2025 and the remuneration system was adopted with 99.26% approval.

In accordance with the principles and recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code, the remuneration of the Supervisory Board takes into account the tasks of the Supervisory Board members and the situation of the company. The expected time commitment and practice in comparable companies are also taken into account when determining the remuneration. The remuneration is intended to attract and retain highly qualified members for the Supervisory Board. This should contribute to the efficient work of the Supervisory Board and promote the development of the company.