Alexander Huber, Managing Director TUI Nordic, shows his impressions as follows: “Mob programming seems to be a good way to get things done in IT development. But even more so, it is a way of working that can be applied across any business area.” This goes hand in hand with how we work in TUI Nordics: learning together, learning from each other, and enjoying what we do. “When you work together, rather than apart, you will be aligned and always think one step ahead. Working together can sometimes seem to take a longer time. But it creates quality and outcomes. And ultimately, it saves time, as you reduce wasted efforts due to lack of alignment or missing pieces of information.”
The mob programming-legend Woody Zuill was guest of our colleagues from TUI Nordics in Stockholm last Thursday. He held a TUIx talk, a masterclass and workshops concerning the central topic of the day called Mob programming. The trend in the world of programming shows a group of colleagues working together on the same source code inspires each other directly. As Woody phrases it:
“Brilliant people working on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space, and on the same computer.”