Hannover, 9 April 2019

How does the crew live?

That is a question asked by many cruise ship passengers – TUI Cruises permits a look behind the scenes of the new Mein Schiff 2

Here there are street names like "Sunset Boulevard", which makes orientation easier. In addition, here are several ways to switch off and relax: Welcome to the crew section of the new Mein Schiff 2 by TUI Cruises. Many cruise guests ask, "Where do the many employees sleep to provide service, safety and well-being? What do they do when they are not working? "TUI Cruises provides insights behind the scenes of the new Mein Schiff 2." In the crew area, we have both indoor and outdoor cabins, which depends on the position, "explains Katharina Kühl, Human Resources Manager of about 1,100 crew members from 47 different nations on board. For TUI Cruises ships, there are usually only two-bed or single cabins. The total of 635 rooms on the Mein Schiff 2 are not huge, but divided so that everyone can make themselves comfortable. Each bed in a two-person cabin has its own TV and a curtain to provide some privacy when needed. Occupancy takes place according to nations, men, women, age and work areas. "We combine it in advance so that the crew members feel comfortable," says the HR manager.

Street names facilitate orientation

In the crew area, however, it's not just sleeping – it's more like a small town spanning two decks in the belly of the ship. "The street names go up and down alphabetically," explains Katharina Kühl. "It's easier to find your way around." To compensate for the work, the crew can work out in their own gym, dance in their own "Kleine Freiheit" disco or relax in their own coffee shop. The retreat also includes a sundeck, a pub, a gaming room and a trade fair to which guests have no access. In addition, the crew members may use the guest areas in their free time: something unique in the industry.

Once a cruise – always a cruise

"Working on cruise ships is also attractive because of the good career opportunities", explains Dr. med. Imke Moje, Head of Fleet Organizational Development at TUI Cruises. "Promotions often occur much faster on board than on land". In the crew area there is also a training room equipped with the latest training technology, as well as a room for German lessons, which is provided free-of-charge for any interested crew members by two instructors on board. TUI Cruises was founded ten years ago. "Many of today's crew members were on board with one of the seven employers right from the start," says Imke Moke. Once a cruise – always a cruise: travelling over the seas can not only become an addiction for the guests, but also for those who work for their benefit in front of and behind the scenes – and spend their free time in the crew area.