TUI Group has received the Corporate Health Award for its corporate health management programme in Germany. The jury commended in particular the holistic approach and strategic role of the programme as part of TUI’s HR strategy. TUI offers focused initiatives to help its employees stay healthy, based on a combination of statutory services and comprehensive voluntary offerings. From health courses for apprentices all the way to Healthy Leadership programmes for executives and support for employees caring for family members, TUI offers courses and counselling activities along its employees’ entire career paths.
“TUI stands for a holistic approach to corporate health management. We combine prevention, sports, psychological health and support for our employees in challenging life situations. They are a key component to reach our goal of being an attractive employer”, says Sinan Selen, Director of Security, Health & Safety TUI Group.
The Corporate Health Award acknowledges TUI Group’s corporate health management programme in Hanover, where around 3,500 employees benefit from its offerings. The programme is also available to around 6,500 employees in other locations and travel agencies across Germany. “The Corporate Health Award confirms our integrated approach focusing on individual employees and their personal life situations. The next step will be to roll out this approach to all 67,000 TUI Group employees“, Sinan Selen explains.
The Corporate Health Award is an initiative launched by EuPD Research Sustainable Management, Handelsblatt and ias-Gruppe. It is run under the aegis of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Through qualified audits, consultation and awards, it promotes the role of corporate health management in Germany. Leading experts from science, business and health management support the development and implementation of the Corporate Health Award. The high-calibre expert advisory council reviews and analyses the results of the audits and selects the top companies in each of 13 categories following in-depth examination.