The following analysts are currently covering TUI Group:

Broker Analyst
Alphavalue Yi Zhong
mwb research Dr Oliver Wojahn
Bank of America Muneeba Kayani, Othmane Bricha
Barclays James Rowland Clark
Bernstein Richard Clarke
Citi Leo Carrington
Deutsche Bank Andre Juillard
HSBC Ali Naqvi
Exane BNP Paribas Jaafar Mestari
Jefferies Jaina Mistry, James Wheatcroft
JP Morgan Danielle Ward (credit analyst)
Kepler Cheuvreux Jürgen Kolb
Morgan Stanley Jamie Rollo
NordLB Wolfgang Donie
Oddo BHF Fehmi Ben Naamane
Peel Hunt Ivor Jones
Redburn Atlantic Ed Vyvyan
Stifel currently inactive
UBS Cristian Nedelcu

This list should not be considered as complete, but it comprises those houses whose research analysts have ongoing contact with the TUI Group.