Professor Stefan Gössling
Stefan Gössling is professor at the Department of Service Management and Service Studies at Lund University and at the School of Business and Economics of Linnaeus University in Kalmar (both in Sweden). Since 1992 he has dealt above all with climate change and mobility against the background of the need to reduce global emissions. His research includes quantitative, model-based, and social science-related approaches. Gössling has worked in an advisory capacity for UNEP, UNDP, UNWTO, OECD, the World Bank, and the European Parliament. He was a contributing author to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report and a member of the advisory council of the initiative “UNEP Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism”.
Professor Horst Harndorf
From 2006 to 2016, Horst Harndorf headed the Chair of Piston Machines and Internal Combustion Engines at the University of Rostock, which has made a name for itself at international level above all with its research into the reduction of pollutants in shipping. Harndorf’s teaching and research interests included, among others, new combustion processes and injection systems, exhaust gas aftertreatment, and renewable fuels. Harndorf has brought research on environmentally efficient engines an important step forward and makes a major contribution to raising awareness in the shipping sector. Harndorf is co-founder and shareholder of FVTR GmbH, an independent R&D service provider in the field of thermal processes and machines, and a member of the WKM, an association of professors specialized in automotive and engine technologies.
Professor Lucia A. Reisch
Lucia A. Reisch is a behavioral economist, professor for intercultural consumer research and European consumer policy at Copenhagen Business School and visiting professor at Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen. In 2017 she was appointed as Leibniz Chair at the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology (BIPS) in Bremen. She is one of the editors-in-chief of the international “Journal of Consumer Policy” and currently in charge of several German and European research projects concerned with sustainable development and health. She specializes in consumer and sustainability policy, empirical consumer behavior research (in particular sustainable production and consumption), behavior-based governance, and innovation research. From 2014 to 2018, Reisch was chairwoman of the German Advisory Council for Consumer Affairs, which reports to the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection. She was a member of the German Bioeconomy Council of the federal government and from 2010 to 2019 a member of the German Council for Sustainable Development.
Ole von Beust
Ole von Beust is a lawyer and from 2001 to 2010 was First Mayor of Hamburg. Among others, it was during his term of office that the concept was developed and an application submitted for Hamburg’s nomination as “European Green Capital” by the European Commission. After his term of office, he founded von Beust & Coll., a consulting firm which, for example, was co-initiator of the MARITIME LNG PLATTFORM e. V., the German national LNG initiative, which it still manages today. Ole von Beust was and is a member of a number of supervisory and advisory boards concerned, among others, with renewable energy and sustainability.